Condition Monitoring & Control Accessories for Oemeta Cooling Lubricants.

Easy equipment solutions for controlling usage and checking the status of your machining fluids.

Primary-defoamer of Oemeta
Oemeta Fix

OePads Anti-Foam Capsules

Fast-acting, pre-measured primary defoamer for both oil-based and oil-free coolants. Simply add a capsule to the foaming coolant, and let it get to work.

  • Innovative capsule application
  • Water-soluble and biodegradable capsule, free of microplastics
  • Fast acting to prevent foam-related machine downtimes
  • No interference with the effectiveness of cutting fluids
  • Simple, clean, and safe to use
  • Easy dosing - one pre-measured capsule treats 200-1000 litres of coolant
  • Quick and easy to use
Oemeta Insight

Fluid Level Indicator DEN-137715FS

The level of fluid in a drum can be easily read using the dial face indicating when fluid levels are low.

  • Instantly check drum level

  • For a 3/4" opening

  • No panic ordering or running out of stock

Oemeta Insight

Flow Meter CFS-F00408100

A digital flow meter for low-viscosity fluids. The ideal instrument for controlling and monitoring fluid dispensing. Sturdy casing and a sealed electronic card make it suitable for use in practically all conditions.

  • Sturdy aluminium body

  • Impulse-type signals:

    • single channel

    • reed switch

  • Resettable total available

  • Flow rate indication

  • Powered by batteries

Coolant Testing Kit
Oemeta Insight

Coolant Testing Kit

Complete onsite testing kit for essential coolant monitoring. Keep track of your fluid condition to ensure the optimum performance of your machining processes. Regular testing helps to identify any potential issues before they escalate including health and safety, environmental and application concerns.

  • Refractometer & cloth

  • 400 pH strips

  • 200 test strips (select option of water hardness, additive, pH)

  • 250 ml measuring jug

  • 250 ml sample bottle

  • 2 vouchers for free Oemeta analytical/lab tests

Oemeta Insight

Test Strips

For the monitoring and controlling of cutting fluids, Oemeta offers the following selection of test strips:

  • Water Hardness Strips
    • a) pH Strips
    • b) Additive Strips to determine the ADDITIV ET and BF concentration in HYCUT (Oemeta’s two-component coolant)
  • Easy visual indicators

  • Indication of coolant stability

  • Supplied in packs of 200 strips

  • Work irrespective of tramp oil contamination

Oemeta Insight

Dip Slides

Helping you to test your machining fluids in more detail, these easy-to-use microbiological dip slides allow you to determine the presence of bacteria and fungi. To be used in conjunction with an incubator to allow for accurate results.

  • Large flexible paddle for easy surface contact and easy reading

  • Individual dip slide labels

  • Compliance with HSE recommendations as per Metalworking 5

Oemeta Insight

Mini Incubator

The Oemeta Insight Mini Incubator is to be used in conjunction with Insight Dip slides. Allowing you to test bacteria and fungus conveniently onsite. The unit creates the optimal conditions for the cultures to grow. Instructions and training can be provided by Oemeta upon request.

  • 20 dip slide Capacity

  • Compact and convenient design

  • Just plug in and go

  • Adjustable temperature up to 45 °C

  • Maintain accurate temperature control

  • 240 V power supply

  • Oemeta training available

Equipment for consumption monitoring
Oemeta Insight

Refractometer EL-2383-AT

Quickly read the concentration of your metalworking fluids. The device has been rigorously tried and tested by our team of technicians, and is proven to be robust, accurate, and can keep up with the demands of regular coolant testing.

  • Measures from 0-18 % or 0-32 % Brix

  • Accuracy of +/- 0.2 %

  • Help ensure optimum performance of the coolant

  • Improve process stability and H&S

  • Reduce costs

  • Automatic temperature compensation (ATC)

  • Light sensitivity ensures that you can use it in normal lighting

Oemeta Insight – Information Board

Oemeta Insight – Information Board

Create a space to provide employees with important coolant information. The board comes with 6 interchangeable A4 pockets for companies to display important details on the coolants being used in machines, anything from safety data sheets, to condition reports.


  • Professional-looking information board
  • 6 A4-sized interchangeable pockets
  • Display important information
  • Central point for auditable documents
  • Easley fixed to any surface using 4 raised mounts
  • Wipe-clean

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