Courage and success require constant self-reinvention.

Oemeta’s path to becoming a globally recognised specialist for cooling lubricants has been shaped by drastic events: two world wars, changes in strategy and location, economic depressions and oil crises. At its core, however, Oemeta has always remained true to itself: a medium-sized, family-run company with loyal, dedicated employees who regard change as an opportunity.

Today, Oemeta is represented worldwide in the most important industrialised nations of the world with seven subsidiaries and partners. With a worldwide workforce of nearly 230 highly committed employees, it is one of the market leaders in the field of high-performance metalworking fluids. Would you like to find out where we came from and how we got to where we are today? We invite you to join us on a short journey through time as we present the history of our company.

Ready for a little journey through time?

Oldest first
Newest first
Installation of a PV system

Another step towards sustainability

Installation of a PV system at our main site in Uetersen, Germany with an output of 99.96 kWpeak.
Oemeta Einweihung der neuen Halle 2023

Increased storage capacity

In order to increase the short-term delivery readiness for our customers, the storage capacities at the Oemeta headquarters in Uetersen were significantly increased by the construction of a new hall.
Continent with flag of Mexico

Oemeta goes to Mexico

Founding of Mexico to supply customers in Mexico and Central America with high-quality cooling lubricants.
Website with new Oemeta Logo with Coolant People

Oemeta takes off with brand relaunch and new website.

The basis for the relaunch of the corporate design and the corporate website is the new company vision "Trend-setting cooling lubricant solutions for the industrial production of a new era". With the new strategy, Oemeta is investing more in R&D. This strategic focus is also visible in the new claim. Replacing “Coolant Company” with “Coolant People” signals to customers and partners that Oemeta is a forward-thinking partner driven by expertise, commitment and dynamism.
Oemeta New Management 2022

Advanced management

With the arrival of Thomas Wessels, the top management of Oemeta has consisted of three managing directors since May 2022 (from left to right): Thomas Vester - CEO, Stefan Joksch - Head of Technology & Production and Thomas Wessels - Head of Administration & Marketing/Sales
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Three people accept price on a stage

Top 100

In the summer of 2019, Oemeta takes part in the 26th edition of the TOP 100 innovation competition and makes it among the best. Using a scientific system, TOP 100 evaluates the innovation management of medium-sized companies and the resulting innovation successes. In the independent selection process, Oemeta was particularly convincing in the "Innovative Processes and Organization" category.
Two people cut the blue ribbon

New production site in Salt Lake City.

In May 2018 a new production site was inaugurated in Salt Lake City/Utah. Therefore, Oemeta is better prepared to satisfy the requirements of the market. The third production site is a milestone in the history of Oemeta and another sign for the steady growth and the internationality of the company.
Thomas Vester stands in front of 100 year Oemeta jubilee sign

100th anniversary.

In 1916, in the middle of the First World War, the company began producing “drilling oils” for metalworking in Berlin. In 2016, the company celebrates its 100th anniversary. On Saturday 1 July 2016, Oemeta opens its doors to customers, neighbours, Oemeta associates and their families. Around 1,500 visitors celebrate the anniversary in a relaxed atmosphere.
Extension tank depots

Extension of tank storages in Uetersen.

The tank storage capacities at the Oemeta headquarters and production site in Uetersen are being expanded.
Award "Safe with System" for Oemeta
Occupational health and safety management

"Systematic security"

As the first chemical company in Schleswig-Holstein, Oemeta introduces the occupational safety management system "Safe with System" and receives an award for it.
Environmental Management Certificate

First certification.

Oemeta receives environmental management certification according to DIN EN ISO 14001.
Flag of USA

Oemeta goes to North America.

Establishment of Oemeta USA in Delaware, current headquarters Salt Lake City, Utah and establishment of Oemeta Canada in Ingersoll, Ontario.
Erstes Zertifikat 1996 mit DIN ISO 9001

DIN ISO 9001

First certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001.
Group of Asian people in a room at a table

Establishment of Oemeta China, Wuhan, Hubei

Brick building

Establishment of Oemeta UK, Banbury, Oxfordshire.Oxfordshire.

The shares of the Winkler family are sold to the Vester family, descendants of the founding Däbritz family
Regional newspaper from Uetersen

Focus on cooling lubricants.

At the end of 1992, the Abrasives Division is sold to Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH & Co KG with the aim of concentrating on the Cooling Lubricants Division and internationalisation. The number of employees drops from 144 to 50. The export ratio is below 20% at this point.
View of a laboratory from the 1950s
1969 - 1970

New lab.

Expansion of the business with the addition of extra laboratory capacity (extension and conversion). The first synthetic, mineral oil-free and semi-synthetic products (Frigidol, Frigilux) and products with low mineral oil content (Oemeta Universal, Frigomet) are launched on the market, offering much greater stability in application than the classic drilling oils.
View of a factory site in 1952

New production facilities.

Production facilities for grinding tools are built on the site in Uetersen. Some employees who are already working at the Bötzow plant move to Uetersen for a fresh start, forming the core of staff involved in the production of grinding tools. In 1953, the company headquarters are moved from Mannheim to Uetersen and the grinding tool production facility is also relocated to Uetersen.
View of a factory site in 1949

New registered office in Uetersen.

In search of a production site, the company finds what it is looking for in Uetersen, Schleswig-Holstein. Production of cooling lubricants starts on premises rented from the company Hermann Behrendt, Ossenpadd, Uetersen. At nearly the same time, the production of grinding tools starts at Hafenbahnstrasse 30, Mannheim.
Three men at a table
1946 - 1948

New beginning.

Operations get going again in Unterschlechtbach (Waiblingen district), at temporary premises rented from Hahn & Kolb company. Expansion of the shareholder base to include the Winkler family, bringing the total number of shareholders to three. In Mannheim, permission is granted for the production of abrasives and in Hamburg for the production of cooling lubricants. Since it lacks its own machinery and equipment, Oemeta agrees with Ölwerke Julius Schindler GmbH Hamburg to have cooling lubricants produced on a contract basis. The company is now based in Mannheim.

In the picture: Shareholders (from left to right) Dr. Schmitz-Lammers, A. Däbritz, E. Winkler
Buildings, trees and small pond

The end of the war.

In the course of the fighting, the company’s sales and administrative offices in Berlin, Uhlandstrasse/Kurfürstendamm are completely destroyed. The Bötzow factory is requisitioned and dismantled by the occupying forces. The shareholders are expropriated without compensation and flee to West Germany.
Drawing of a factory site in 1920

New site in Bötzow-West.

Acquisition of the site in Bötzow-West (approx. 8 km northwest of the Berlin city border), along with the buildings of the former Berlin waste utilisation company. Change of name to OEMETA Chemische Werke GmbH.

Oemeta offered drilling oils as well as ceramic- and resin-bonded grinding tools. With this combination of products, the company was able to achieve efficient production processes in rapidly developing industrial mass production.
Oil painting of two gentlemen in suits
How it all began.

Foundation of Oemeta GmbH.

Gustav Däbritz and Otto Schmitz establishes Oemeta GmbH in Berlin on 16 December 1916 with the aim of “producing and selling oils, oil substitutes and fats”.

The company name is created from the German words for “oil” and “metal”: O(el) + Meta(ll) = Oemeta.
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Oemeta India Pvt. Ltd. 

c/o Roedl and Partner
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Pune 411014