30th (pearl) anniversary of Oemeta products in the UK

June 2023 marks the 30th (pearl) anniversary of Oemeta products in the UK. The origins of the UK arm of the German innovator begin with a sole sales technician in the summer of 1993. The company quickly gained momentum on UK turf thanks to a lot of know-how aligned with some of the most forward-thinking coolants on the market. This helped secure some notable customers, which in turn boosted the company with further sizable clients.

Jump to 1997 and following its success on the continent, Oemeta UK’s largest automotive customer puts into its production the first generation of the uniquely brilliant, compatible coolant product line, HYCUT, which subsequently revolutionises their production process, and is something that remains in their production (in its latest form) to this day.

Opening further benefits to customers in the form of added value and professional support for the fluids, the year 2000 saw the employment of the first service technician. Today, Oemeta has a number of road-based technicians across the UK who provide this service and share their expert knowledge with their customers.

In 2006 Oemeta UK expanded its portfolio of offerings to include ancillary equipment as well as specialist additive test strips to help determine the condition of coolants. Since this initial offering, the equipment range has expanded vastly to include mixing devices and accessories, hoses and distribution tools, fluid monitoring, purifying, and recycling units, as well as specialist reporting and fluid management hardware and software.

2008 saw the first employee to be permanently placed onsite at a customer. This allows coolant maintenance tasks to be carried out daily by a dedicated individual who has full training, allowing existing employees to focus on other important tasks.

A few years later, in 2011, Oemeta welcomed the first stage of a UK-based analytical facility. Currently, this lab is an important feature of Oemeta UK as it provides a quick and efficient way of testing the condition of customers’ fluids – adding further value to Oemeta customers, and beyond.

Quality is something Oemeta UK believes its customers deserve, and in addition to its head office and production already boasting accreditations, Oemeta UK achieved its own ISO:9001 accreditation in 2019, reinforcing the confidence customers can have in purchasing products through the Oemeta family.

Like many businesses, Oemeta UK was able to successfully operate throughout the Covid 19 pandemic. Through this period, and with a small chance to reflect, a few changes followed.

A new sales team structure refreshed the company’s outlook and provided the additional drive to get Oemeta’s attentive approach to coolant sales out to the manufacturing and engineering industries.

An appreciation of meeting people and businesses face-to-face also fuelled the appearance at some of the leading trade shows, including MACH 2022, and Southern Manufacturing and Electronics 2023, with further appearances in the diary for Manufacturing Solutions in Ireland and MACH 2024.

All-in-all it has been a very successful 30 years for the business, and Oemeta can only hope the next 30 and beyond are as prosperous. To celebrate this 30-year milestone, Oemeta UK has organised an event for its employees and families as a means to say, “thank you”. Stay tuned on the website and socials to find out what happens!

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