Water-miscible metalworking fluids for machining
Water-miscible metalworking fluids are metalworking fluids (MWF) that are mixed with water before use. Oemeta's water-miscible metalworking fluids are usually supplied as a concentrate and are then mixed directly on site at your machine tool. We offer you a comprehensive range of water-miscible metalworking fluids.

What is special about water-miscible metalworking fluids?
As a lot of heat is generated during a machining process, it must be absorbed and dissipated quickly. This is where the strength of water-miscible metalworking fluids comes into play: as the water-miscible MWF consists of approx. 95% water, a much greater amount of energy can be absorbed than with a non-water-miscible MWF due to the high heat capacity of water. In addition, more energy is extracted from the system when the water evaporates (heat of evaporation) and this is also dissipated more quickly (thermal conductivity).
Water-miscible MWF from Oemeta are characterized by particularly high performance. Our innovative emulsifier packages simply separate tramp oil on the surface of the metalworking fluid. This makes it even easier to remove tramp oil and keeps the MWF clean and efficient.
Our water-miscible MWF also impress with their low consumption. For example, a comparison of NOVAMET 920 with a conventional MWF showed a demonstrable reduction in consumption of over 20 %.
Many of our water-miscible MWF also offer improved occupational safety. The good skin compatibility of some products has been proven by BUS/TEWL tests.

What types of water-miscible metalworking fluids are there?
Water-miscible metalworking fluids are divided into water-soluble and emulsifiable metalworking fluids.
Water-soluble metalworking fluids
Water-soluble metalworking fluids form a solution when mixed with water - these MWF therefore dissolve completely in water.
Emulsifiable metalworking fluids
When mixed with water, emulsifiable metalworking fluids form an oil-in-water emulsion, which typically has a milky appearance.
Our range of water-miscible metalworking fluids
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