Oemeta services for high process reliability as well as long tool and coolant life.
You can rely entirely on Oemeta’s services when dealing with cooling lubricants and process media in metal-cutting production. We provide professional and individual support – starting with the selection of suitable fluids – and we put together a customised service package for you covering all aspects of monitoring and maintaining fluids and processes. From individual laboratory measurements to complete fluid management, we are there at your side, helping to safeguard processes, reduce your costs and increase the service life of your tools.
With individual fluid management, you increase service life and reduce costs.
Individually tailored fluid management is definitely worth your while: with careful monitoring and care, cooling lubricants remain efficient for much longer, while machining processes gain in stability and safety. Fluid management prevents high concentration fluctuations and fungal infestation of the fluids, noticeably reducing the number of new cooling lubricants. In this way, you significantly reduce the effort and cost involved, as well as ensuring your tool enjoy a long service life.
Individual Oemeta services take the burden off your employees.
In order to work efficiently in machining processes in the long term, it is crucial to keep a constant eye on the condition of the cooling lubricants and fluids. The fluids have to be regularly measured and analysed, regardless of the processes – whether turning, milling, drilling or grinding. We will be more than happy to relieve your production workflow and support you with our comprehensive service and our experts’ sound know-how. We look forward to taking on your challenges.
The Oemeta service modules for cooling lubricants and process media.
Once we have got together with you to assess the current situation, we are able to come up with an individual service concept for you. Oemeta can take on individual fluid maintenance tasks or else complete fluid management if required.
- Measurements according to TRGS 611 and DGUV Rule 109-003 (formerly BGR/GUV-R 143)
- Surface suction, filtration and maintenance of the filter systems
- Documentation of product data, replenishment quantities and measured values
- Fluid sampling
- Analysis of the samples in the laboratory according to agreed parameters
- Special analyses if required
- Documentation and interpretation of results, recommendation of measures
- Change of oils and cooling lubricants
- Cleaning and refilling of the systems
- Cleaning of containers and interiors with fresh emulsion
- Cleaning of tanks with high-pressure devices and spraying of chip conveyors
- Final corrosion protection for the machine interior and cooling lubricant container
- Inventory and warehouse management
- Seamless control and documentation of the application parameters of the MWFs
- Timely detection of deviations
- Early intervention, e.g. by means of concentration adjustments or the use of control additives
- Barcode-supported and machine-specific recording of: application concentration, pH value, nitrite content, appearance, odour
For transparent, efficient fluid management:
Oemeta logyc software
The fluid management software logyc is a key underlying element of the services provided by our Oemeta experts. This is where all the strands come together, data is processed and results are clearly presented. Logyc not only serves our specialists as a working tool for transparent fluid management: you as a user can access the cloud-based software, too, and make the most of the benefits it offers.

logyc software
Record the condition data of the Oemeta cooling lubricant in use directly on your machine tool.
If you are interested in digital solutions regarding your coolants, please contact us.
Oemeta (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.
Tangxun-lake Industrial Park
First Miaoshan Road, Economic Development Zone
Jiangxia District
Hubei, 430223
T +86 27 818 009 11
F +86 27 818 009 10
E info@oemeta.cn