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New publication of VDI Guideline 3035 "Design of machine tools, production plants and peripheral equipment for the use of machining media (cooling lubricants, forming lubricants)"

The successful design and production of manufacturing equipment for the use of cooling lubricants requires a good knowledge of the interactions between equipment and machining media.

For several decades, VDI Guideline 3035 has provided interested readers with a compact source of information on the subject of cooling lubricants and machine tools.

VDI Guideline 3035 is of particular interest to designers and purchasers of machine tools. It has been fundamentally revised. The new version incorporates the latest findings on the compatibility of modern cooling lubricants with construction materials used in machine tools and on the subject of energy efficiency.

In order to extend the scope of the guideline and adapt it to the terminology of the definition standard DIN 51 385 - Lubricants; machining media for the forming and machining of materials - the term "cooling lubricant" has been replaced by "machining medium". As a result, the guideline now also applies to the forming sector.

In order to make the directive more manageable and to be able to adapt it more quickly to the current state of the art, it has been divided into two sheets. Sheet 1 of the guideline has been supplemented by the section "Energy efficiency".

Sheet 2 - Material selection in the design of machine tools, production systems and peripheral equipment for the use of machining media (cooling lubricants, forming lubricants) - was focused on the topic of material compatibility.

The guidelines VDI 3035 sheets 1 and 2 replace the version from May 2008.

All guidelines of the GPL Technical Committee 110 (3035 sheets 1 and 2 + 3397 sheets 1-4) have two columns in German and English and are a compact and detailed source of information for anyone who wants to know more about cooling lubricants and machining media in machining and forming systems.


Stefan Joksch, 26.02.2024

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